30 Days Returnable (unused, undamaged, must be in original packaging

We support testing of the products within 30 days from the date of receipt of the delivery to check if they are damaged or missing.

We can only guarantee the state in which the goods arrive at the container warehouse. If there is any shipping damage, we can reissue or exchange the item. The transportation risk during container transit is not our responsibility, and the transportation damage caused by it has nothing to do with us.


Once we receive confirmation of your return order, it will take 1-2 business days to process. You will receive a confirmation email once the refund or exchange has been completed. After receiving the refund notification, the refund will be returned to your original payment method within 1-3 business days. The specific refund time depends on the situation, please wait patiently and don’t worry.

Damaged/Defective/Missing Items

If you are returning an item because it is damaged, defective, or not the correct product, please contact us by phone and email, we are open daily from 9:00-17:30 and we will email you a return authorization shipping Label.